Here is a shot of a few of the chile peppers we grew in 1998. In the upper right are 10 "thai hot" chile peppers, in the center on top are 6 chile peppers (stems up) and 2 chile peppers (stems down) which may be anaheims, hungarian waxes, sweet bananas, or even poblanos, I'm not sure. On the right, at the top is a spicy "mexi-bell" pepper, and the first 2 small piles are cascabellas and the 3rd small pile is of some small cayennes. On the rack on the left are 31 habaneros, and the rack on the right has 8 jalapenos in the upper left, 9 serranos in the lower left, a LARGE cayenne in the center, 12 medium cayennes on the right, and 2 cherry chile peppers in the lower right.
We learned a lot about chile peppers and growing them from the book "The Pepper Garden" by Dave DeWitt and Paul W. Bosland.